Saturday 9 February 2013

ENERGY EARTH (Thailand): Annual Report 2011

Financial Highlights
(Unit: Baht-Million)
                                                          2010                              2011
Overall Results

Sales revenue                                    1,755.24                        4,685.12
Total revenue                                    1.790.63                        4,709.28
Gross profit                                      237.73                           786.45
Net profit (Loss)                               70.78                             395.68

Financial Ratio
Gross profit Margin                (%)     13.54                             16.79
Net profit margin                     (%)      3.95                               8.40
Return on average equities       (%)     23.76                             36.33
Return on average assets         (%)       6.93                             14.55

Total assets                                 1,332.44                        4,102.51
Total liabilities                               992.92                        2,263.54
Shareholders’ equity                      339.52                        1,838.97

Revenue Structure from Coal Sales
Revenue structure from coal sales in the past are as follows:
Revenue Type
                    Baht-                   Million
Revenue from coal sales
Total revenues
Year 2010 and 2011 is consolidated financial statement of EARTH

In 2010, the Company Group paid closer attention to do marketing on customers who are direct customers to reduce risks of relying on a few very large customers and to ensure continuous growth of the Company, which resulted in an increase of domestic sales revenue. However, the international sales revenue is also increased along with the domestic sales revenue.

In 2011, the Company Group expanded customers both domestically and internationally. Because of the Oil market crisis, coal was chosen as a primary alternative energy which resulted in the Company Group’s 166.92% increased revenue from the year 2010
Risk from price fluctuation of coal
The higher oil price had resulted in higher coal price because they both are alternative energy for each other. Coal’s cost however still remains lower. In January 2012, the oil price was USD 107.40 per barrel while coal price was USD 46.80 per metric ton.

Graph showing oil and coal price during 2011-2012

Coal price fluctuation in market makes the selling and purchasing price harder to set. Since there is an uptrend of coal consumption and number of coal supplier is limited, the demand of coal is still higher than supply of coal. Company Group, therefore, can set the selling price by adding some satisfied premium from raw material price. On the contrary, in a downtrend of coal price, Company Group may not receive as high premium as compare to the uptrend environment. Therefore, the Company Group purchased coal mines with 7.4 million tons of coal reserve in 2011 and plan to purchase more mines every year to reduce this risk.


Tuesday 5 February 2013

BzzAgent: Buzz forHire

BzzAgent is the social marketing division of dunnhumby, the leader in shopper marketing. With access to more than 200 million shoppers in the US, UK and Canada, BzzAgent develops programs that accelerate word of mouth and sales for consumer products. BzzAgent has executed over 1,000 social marketing programs for major brands including Unilever, Wrigley and L’Oreal. Since the company was founded in 2001, BzzAgent participants have spread word of mouth to over 100 million family and friends.

According to BzzAgent works, how it works;

Try products.

Start conversations.

Get more campaigns.

As for me, they use word of mouth to spread the information, the feature of the product. It’s not necessary to use to more money for expanding reputation of numerous brands. They have just use conversation with person to person; it is a great tactic of public relation in innovation period.
According to Jacob Hurwith, he talks about harnessing the Power Word of Mouth Marketing to Grow Your Business in 2013,  “In 2013, marketers must rethink their social marketing strategies with their consumers in mind. It is no longer effective to simply push branded marketing messages out over social channels in hopes they will resonate with consumers. Consumers are now the most important part of the marketing equation and what they say and do online impacts brands and their bottom lines. Marketers will need to find compelling ways to engage with their consumers and turn them into advocates, who, in turn, spread word of mouth marketing (WOMM) recommendations to their friends on the brands behalf.”
At this time (21 century), there are various technologies that are developed in every year. And it’s up to the entrepreneur each company chooses this innovation to create and adapt to their objective. They (BzzAgent) have the power of imagination to create this website and specific style to make it is a Buzz for Hire.

Monday 4 February 2013

Super Bowl, the Commercials Are Coming On

In every year, you have known Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the Nation Football League (NFL) and it has actually come with the forces of commercial. This is one way to promote your brands through the eyesight of people around the world that who look forward to watch the game.

As for me, there are Super Bowl featured a halftime show that actually made this game is interesting for the marketers and this is a big chance to spread numerous commercial like a festival commercial.

Example of Super Bowl Commercial 2013

Samsung Mobile USA - The Next Big Thing

Doritos® - Goat 4 Sale -- Crash the Super Bowl 2013 Finalist
Moreover, in my viewpoint NFL is like a trademark due to growing commercial and public –relations and throughout the game it surely a lot of cash flow from the commercial.
According to, Bruce Horovitz, USA TODAY, he said Super Bowl ads are getting more costly more quickly than ever — and they keep increasing in number. With some ads on CBS selling for up to $4 million this year vs. $3.5 million last year on NBC, the cost of 30-second Super Bowl spots is growing at three to five times the rate it did just a decade ago, according to a 10-year study by Kantar Media, a research firm. If the trend continues, the first $5 million Super Bowl commercial could emerge by 2016, he says. Super Bowl slots fetch about twice the cost of the second-most-costly ad time — the Academy Awards, he says, which go for about $1.8 million this year.
Nowadays, in my opinion Super Bowl game of the Nation Football League must go together with Super Bowl Commercial. Everything in this period is a trade, a chance to get benefit for their brands their business. There are a lot of competitive of big company to big company. As for me, a small company small brand ought to have a power; power staff, strong money and wait the suitable time for your brands going up. All of those have just my opinion that I want to vent out. If you have something to tell me about your opinion or whatever, you can comment below.



Advertising Face Challenges in Maintaining “The Wall” (Case8)

Advertising is a process, not a medium in its own right, although it uses different media forms to communicate. Advertising, in its simplest form, is the way in which the vendor or manufacturer of a product communicates with consumers via a medium, or many different media. But, it’s not meant you can put everything in your advertising or can advertising whatever you want. As for me, it will depend on each country, the culture, the law, the custom, life style of people, etc. For example, some country can’t advertise about the tobacco but the other country can do it.

According to University of British Columbia, they studied supports that theory with findings that suggest that banning fast-food advertising to children may actually curtail obesity. Researchers found that a 32-year ban on fast-food advertising to kids in electronic and print media in Quebec resulted in a 13 percent reduction in fast-food expenditures and an estimated 2 billion to 4 billion fewer calories consumed by children in the province. While the rest of Canada has been experiencing the same explosion in childhood obesity seen here in the United States, Quebec has the lowest childhood obesity rate in Canada.

Moreover, those advertising are now either banned outright or faces strict limit in most countries. Other concerns include:

        Use of stereotypes, particularly of gender and race, in a negative way
        Emphasis on anti-social values (e.g. winning at all costs, promotion of products which have a negative effect on the environment)
        Emphasis on conforming to an unrealistic ideal
        Representation of only one set of values as being normal and desirable (e.g. thin, blonde). Everything else is abnormal /undesirable
        Dishonest claims about what a product can do (e.g. diet pills)
        Recommendation of illegal practices (e.g. drug-taking, drink driving or underage drinking)
        Use of images or language that may be offensive to the beliefs (eg religious) of others
        Use of images or language which is too graphic, in terms of sex and violence, for a mass audience

But, in my opinion I wonder this case in Thailand or maybe any countries are the same for about the tobacco. You have known already that can’t advertise about the tobacco in Thailand and actually has many campaigns release out to stop smoking advertising; there are in poster, television, newspaper, etc. But, many people still smoking. So, as for me even they don’t advertising but they remain sell this product and trend to increase more and expand more to young people. That mean it depend on each society, believe, tendency, solicitation, etc.

Nowadays, there are many strategy advertising from TVs, magazines, newspapers and, increasingly, on our computers, tablets and smartphones to attract consumer interest those products. The wall of advertising concerned with the scope of the information and specific product. Each country will have the characteristic of advertising and different style because they ought to relate to culture, custom, law, and life style.

Sunday 3 February 2013

The Brands Movement in China (Case 7)


If you are a marketer in one company what is your way building brand stay in the top of the world or getting more income in one year? In my viewpoint, the number of population is the main factor to draw numerous company interests to invest in that country. Therefore, breaking into the China market is very challenging and worthwhile because it is the world’s most populous country, with a population of over 1.3 billion. But, in my opinion you must surely that your company are big enough I mean your big money for invest and advertising spread with Chinese.

As of 2013, China has the world's second-largest economy in terms of nominal GDP, totaling approximately US$8.250 trillion according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). However, China's 2012 nominal GDP per capita of US$6,094 puts it behind around ninety countries (out of 183 countries on the IMF list) in global GDP per capita rankings.

Moreover, there are used the Chinese’s famous person and sport to connect with China such as Li na, tennis superstar, Yao Ming, NBA star, etc. Nike China Marketing Director Carol Chen stated about the spot, which featured David Bowie's Heroes, "This campaign is not only about following sporting heroes as they make their way toward Beijing, but we want the youth of China to create their own journeys through being active and participating in sports." In my opinion, it’s related to Beijing Olympics in 2008 to make various brands appreciate with the power and efficiency of China’s markets. The sport brands have used the strategies to attract their customers.


Adidas's global revenue rose 20% to €3.47 billion ($4.71 billion) in the three months ended Sept. 30 from €2.88 billion a year earlier, partly because of the World Cup. Sales in China increased 9%. The company's world-wide net profit rose 25% to €266 million from €213 million. Adidas is also trying to make itself known with China's emerging recreational athletes. In October, it sponsored the Beijing Marathon, the company's first running competition in China. More running sponsorships are in the works, according to Adidas. The company is also partnering with fitness chains, giving clothing to fitness instructors and buying ad space in locker rooms and over treadmills. Selling clothing at fitness-center shops is also under consideration.
The Brands Movement in China that I demonstrate all of you. It is mostly brand of foreign country. They tried hard to grow in China which related to the population amount. In addition to, there are uses many strategies approach the people like a get star sport be a presenter.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Advertising in Video News Releases (VNRs)? (Case6)

Video News Release (VNR) is one kind of media to present the news story such as new technology, a new innovation, promote commercial products and service to customers. Everything has actually good and bad in the same way, just promoting the news or advertising. In my viewpoint, when you release something out that mean you want to have a feedback come back to you although has just a little bit. It must connect between the tactics to exhibit with making the customer interesting in your presentation.

Moreover, the VNRs are look like a news report but it always hide with the advertising. For the next two paragraphs I will demonstrate you about the VNRs when firms release it out to the public.


First example: Honda Accord VNR

Therefore, let’s start with the first example of the Honda Accord VNR. The objective of this video news release that is wants to present the new technology to lets the car drive itself. According to the description of this VNR, a camera reads the lines on the road, and feeds torque to the steering wheel, taking off the pressure off the driver. As for me, there are two sides of this news story. Those are news story of the firm and advertising as well. This is the type of public relations strategy to connect with your emotion when you saw the incredible thing. But, you will know just only one aspect of the news story that makes you satisfy with this technology. They won’t actually make you fell fall before you have bought it already.

Second example: Nike Mag- Back to the Future
The poster “Back to the Future”

The second example is Nike Mag- a limited edition shoe created by Nike Inc. It is a replica of a shoe featured in the film “Back to the Future Part II” (the second installment of the Back to the Future trilogy). As for me, this VNR demonstrates to the customers about inspire of the design of the shoe by connecting with the famous film “Back to the Future.” It makes the VNR have an interesting point story and support marketing of the product “Nike Mag”

All of those are just my examples that I get it for complementary of my opinion. I would like to explain it with my style and hope you more understand. For about the VNRs at the present have so many objective to present it out. Some are true and some are not true. Everything is strategy of marketing and it has numerous processes to promote or advertising.