Sunday 16 December 2012

Blogs are a great marketing opportunity-To cheat?

Modern time, there are both reliable and fraudulent in the Internet Worldwide that you should be conscious and discreet when you service all of them. Blogs are one of the new spaces for whatever you want to do: advertising, daily life, recommend some tactics about beauty, and also a great marketing opportunity. But it’s not all of them that reveal sincere to the customer. It means something that you saw can be real or cheat.

Moreover, I have seen so many blogs use for spread marketing and find the new target group and increase percentage of sales. And it no need to pay a lot money to draw a new customer.
For example :

According to Abhinash Jena, he said “Internet marketing not only comprises of Internet, e-mail, and wireless media but also management of digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) systems. The creative and technical aspects of the Internet such as design, development, advertising, and sales are tired together by Internet marketing.”

Furthermore, According to Brin Morrissey, to get usable research from the inchoate blogosphere, Umbria has focused on identifying gender and age range of bloggers, parsing language and other clues in post to group them into demographic categories. Kaushansky said the company will push to identify bloggers by other characteristics, such as ethnicity. “As the blogosphere grows, it becomes that much more valuable and that much more representative of society as a whole.

As for me, Blogs are treasure area not only advertising, share your own opinion, marketing opportunity but also earn more money from your blogs (and be sure related to moral and ethics come from your heart). I believe that if you be sincere to customers, you will get the same feeling back to you.

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