Tuesday 18 December 2012

#2: Destination Thailand: Pang Ung

Hello, everyone for this time I do really exciting with the end of a year. Where are you planning to travel in the year 2013? I would like to recommend you about the place that give you feel relaxed with the nature. Pang Ung (Mae Hong Son province): First, I will tell the meaning of those 2 words “Pang” means like a “Camp” – the accommodation of persons engaged in the forest. “Ung” – is a Northern word means a large pan-shaped marshland. Pang Ung is away from the town of Mae Hong Son about 44 km. In the past, this area was a decadent forest because it had been the hill tribes’ opium plantation until His Majesty the King came to visit in B.E.2522 and gave a royal remark to provide the Royal Initiative Project relying on the local people’s willingness. At present, they grow colorful winter flowers and herbs that are useful for Thai food and medical all around. As for me, Pang Ung is the romantic place who love cold air and beautiful mountain and lake view. And sometime call “Switzerland in Thailand”

For about accommodation, people can lodge in here because there are over ten A-Frame huts (200-400 baht / night) and a bistro to serve all of visitors. However, tenting and self-cooking near the lakeside would be the best choice. And they have bathroom are available for you. If you are the one who interested in lifestyle of native Thai people, Baan Ruam Thai home stay (150-200 baht/ night) could make your dream comes true. Here you can touch with handmade fresh roasted coffee and many things you never seen before. However, there is no electricity here. I’m sure you will perceive real peaceful life here and you actually forget civilization in town.

Where to eat

There have a small restaurant in Mae Aw Chinese Village with Yunnan Foods.
Where to shop
If you are looking for a supermarket, department store, etc. I’m really sorry to say “It’s impossible.” Just a small shop that you can buy green tea, Chinese teapots and cups.

What activities the tourist can do

-Visitors can also ride a horse around the Mae Aw Chinese village.
- There is also a nursery for winter plants, which has both Thai and imported species.

- Bamboo raft ride, it is especially activities for visitors who wants to touch the liquid smokes above the morning lake.
- Camping and viewpoint at the lake, the lake allows travelers stay overnight in the area. Watching the night sky in peaceful environments and a morning walk on the nice paths around the lake.

Places to visit

Mae Aw Chinese Village
Mae Aw lies near the Burmese Border. Thai name: Ban Rak Thai. This is a village founded by Kuomintang soldiers. Mae Aw is famous for its tea cultivation and Yunnan food, that you can enjoy at the restaurant and shops around a small square. You can buy ginseng, jasmine, oolong and green teas, as well as Chinese teapots and cups. And here background about the immigration of Muslim Chinese from Yunnan to Northern Thailand Muslim Chinese A festival is held in February to promote tea products. You follow hot tea tasting, tea-making demonstrations combined with cultural shows. Visitors can also ride a horse around the village.
Pang Ung Lake

Not far from Mae Aw lies Pang Ung, a few kilometers out of the village there is a lake, a water reservoir, surrounded by pines with a camping area. The lake is covered by fog in the early morning, until the sunshine comes. A road runs along the lake to a green hill.
When is the best time to visit

In Winter weather (Mid-October to Mid-February) is a suitable time to go there because the winter morning, all over Pang Ung will be misted; and the sun is out from the mountain edge, its golden beams break through the lingeringly floating mist on the water's surface of the reservoir and cover all everything to turn gold. Oh! It is really beautiful scenery. But the terrain of high mountains surrounding a large basin and fresh air with natural beauty are waiting the visitors for all seasons.

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