Monday 4 February 2013

Advertising Face Challenges in Maintaining “The Wall” (Case8)

Advertising is a process, not a medium in its own right, although it uses different media forms to communicate. Advertising, in its simplest form, is the way in which the vendor or manufacturer of a product communicates with consumers via a medium, or many different media. But, it’s not meant you can put everything in your advertising or can advertising whatever you want. As for me, it will depend on each country, the culture, the law, the custom, life style of people, etc. For example, some country can’t advertise about the tobacco but the other country can do it.

According to University of British Columbia, they studied supports that theory with findings that suggest that banning fast-food advertising to children may actually curtail obesity. Researchers found that a 32-year ban on fast-food advertising to kids in electronic and print media in Quebec resulted in a 13 percent reduction in fast-food expenditures and an estimated 2 billion to 4 billion fewer calories consumed by children in the province. While the rest of Canada has been experiencing the same explosion in childhood obesity seen here in the United States, Quebec has the lowest childhood obesity rate in Canada.

Moreover, those advertising are now either banned outright or faces strict limit in most countries. Other concerns include:

        Use of stereotypes, particularly of gender and race, in a negative way
        Emphasis on anti-social values (e.g. winning at all costs, promotion of products which have a negative effect on the environment)
        Emphasis on conforming to an unrealistic ideal
        Representation of only one set of values as being normal and desirable (e.g. thin, blonde). Everything else is abnormal /undesirable
        Dishonest claims about what a product can do (e.g. diet pills)
        Recommendation of illegal practices (e.g. drug-taking, drink driving or underage drinking)
        Use of images or language that may be offensive to the beliefs (eg religious) of others
        Use of images or language which is too graphic, in terms of sex and violence, for a mass audience

But, in my opinion I wonder this case in Thailand or maybe any countries are the same for about the tobacco. You have known already that can’t advertise about the tobacco in Thailand and actually has many campaigns release out to stop smoking advertising; there are in poster, television, newspaper, etc. But, many people still smoking. So, as for me even they don’t advertising but they remain sell this product and trend to increase more and expand more to young people. That mean it depend on each society, believe, tendency, solicitation, etc.

Nowadays, there are many strategy advertising from TVs, magazines, newspapers and, increasingly, on our computers, tablets and smartphones to attract consumer interest those products. The wall of advertising concerned with the scope of the information and specific product. Each country will have the characteristic of advertising and different style because they ought to relate to culture, custom, law, and life style.

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