Wednesday 26 December 2012

#4: Common Mistakes in Customer Service

Near the end of year 2012. And some family uses this time to go back to your hometown, or pack the bag to travel for a long weekend. There are must happen common mistakes in customer service wherever you go around the world. As for me, perhaps that is the easy way you will lose your customers even you have tried to give a service better but nothing is perfect, isn’t it? 

In my viewpoint, there are two things that I want to discuss. First, “Not clear information” is always happening to me when I use the service. They didn’t tell the specific detail such as any food that they prepare in the room some for free but not all of it. And it didn’t have paper or anything else to explain to your customer. Finally, I’m must expend more money than usual, and it’s certainly I can’t reject it because I have eaten already.

Therefore, everything always has a solution to improve it. Just post a notice for that specific detail. In my opinion, even it’s just a little thing but these can present to sincere and honest working. You should be aware of customer’s feeling which they can decide to continue to use your service or not.

Second, “Not thoughtful”, no matter what you work, should be careful because that means the problem will follow you as well. Working with consciousness can save your time; you mustn’t come back to solve your work again. Especially, the customer will satisfy service. Easiest way to improve it is check your works again before the customer gets it, don’t think about the other when you worked.

All of these are my opinion that had ever happened to me with common mistakes in customer service. And it often makes the same mistakes over and over again. The way to make customer satisfy that is avoid of those things I told you before. Well, how about you? Have you ever gotten common mistakes in customer service? Share with me. ^^

#3: Book Review: My Life in Ruins

I believe some of you had ever used a tour agency service for travel. And it’s certainly has a tour guide to take care you throughout the trip. As for me, the tour guide is an important part of these tours; entertain, make that trip to be a good memory for tourist, have a tactic to tell the story, take care to customer, etc. You do all this perfect? Therefore, I would like to recommend you one movie that concerned with a tour guide “My Life in Ruin” for this holiday.  

So, let’s talk about types of tourist and their characteristics in the movie. In my opinion, that group of tourist as though a big problem for “Georgia” is a tour guide. There are many different tourists who come to travel in Greece but they didn’t interest in history. They are just wanting to travel to see a real place, shopping, and didn’t like to listen be serious story. But in turn, that make become enjoyable trip because everyone not the same.

The important keys to consider of tour agency are made tourist be enjoying a trip, and return to use our service again. And tour guide has learned how to have fun with customer that make throughout the trip will be smooth.  

This movie is too short but it’s funny so much. Tourists can make you joyful with the story. In this movie I believe have one older traveler name “Irv Gideon” that can make this story continues indefinitely.

Finally, I hope you will enjoy the movie in this holiday for family time. All of these are my opinion. How about you? Let’s share your opinion to me, or comment something whatever you want. Happy Holiday!

Saturday 22 December 2012

Mountain Dew and Other Brands Use Extreme Sports to Connect with Gen Y

I'm really exciting for today to do this blog and my blood of Gen Y is pumping now. I would like to share my opinion about various brands use extreme sports or x sports to connect with Generation Y. As for me that was born in the same period all of you, can be defined of Gen Y as the prefer adventure challenges, active with the condition of the surroundings, always to learn a new thing. So don’t be wondering, why they choose extreme sports to relate to Gen Y. Extreme sporting events like skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing, or BMX and the outdoors activities such as horse-riding, golf, hiking climbing, canoeing. All of these are considered cool and exciting by Gen Y, another great place to reach this market.

 Not only Mountain Dew that use extreme sports to connect with Gen Y. But also Red Bull is an energy drink and have all been successful marketing to Gen Y. In my viewpoint, Red Bull as a signature of power suchlike a logo to explain the characteristic of product. That is making Gen Y choose to drink Red Bull after heavy activity and sweat loss.


Moreover, Red Bull not only manufactured energy drink. But they use the brand to spread marketing through every extreme sport for a Worldwide like a brand “Virgin” that use the same tactic but they don’t concerned with extreme sports. So, that is different customers target groups with Red Bull. These are strategy to make a brand stay strong in the top of the brand’s world forever and this is one type of public relation. Extreme Style!


From all of the extreme sports that Red Bull has done with it, I will select two of them to demonstrate you. First, Red Bull Racing is a Formula One racing team. Recently, the team has won three Constructors' Championship titles, in 2010, 2011, and 2012, becoming the first Austrian licensed team to win the title. In my opinion, the logo on the formula one when it is driving like a Bull has run on the race course. Second, Red Bull Stratos seeks to advance scientific discoveries in aerospace for the benefit of mankind. The mission is all converging to prove man can survive the speed of sound in freefall. Their mission is very awesome and so cool!! This feeling has direct effect to Gen Y with Red Bull marketing like a psychology.


Advancement of brands essential to update all the time and has a success working to present to customers and have actually target groups as Red Bull to use extreme sports to connect with Generation Y. They use all of x sports to connect with Gen Y who has the blood of venturesome. That makes them successful in the World’s brands.


Tuesday 18 December 2012

#2: Destination Thailand: Pang Ung

Hello, everyone for this time I do really exciting with the end of a year. Where are you planning to travel in the year 2013? I would like to recommend you about the place that give you feel relaxed with the nature. Pang Ung (Mae Hong Son province): First, I will tell the meaning of those 2 words “Pang” means like a “Camp” – the accommodation of persons engaged in the forest. “Ung” – is a Northern word means a large pan-shaped marshland. Pang Ung is away from the town of Mae Hong Son about 44 km. In the past, this area was a decadent forest because it had been the hill tribes’ opium plantation until His Majesty the King came to visit in B.E.2522 and gave a royal remark to provide the Royal Initiative Project relying on the local people’s willingness. At present, they grow colorful winter flowers and herbs that are useful for Thai food and medical all around. As for me, Pang Ung is the romantic place who love cold air and beautiful mountain and lake view. And sometime call “Switzerland in Thailand”

For about accommodation, people can lodge in here because there are over ten A-Frame huts (200-400 baht / night) and a bistro to serve all of visitors. However, tenting and self-cooking near the lakeside would be the best choice. And they have bathroom are available for you. If you are the one who interested in lifestyle of native Thai people, Baan Ruam Thai home stay (150-200 baht/ night) could make your dream comes true. Here you can touch with handmade fresh roasted coffee and many things you never seen before. However, there is no electricity here. I’m sure you will perceive real peaceful life here and you actually forget civilization in town.

Where to eat

There have a small restaurant in Mae Aw Chinese Village with Yunnan Foods.
Where to shop
If you are looking for a supermarket, department store, etc. I’m really sorry to say “It’s impossible.” Just a small shop that you can buy green tea, Chinese teapots and cups.

What activities the tourist can do

-Visitors can also ride a horse around the Mae Aw Chinese village.
- There is also a nursery for winter plants, which has both Thai and imported species.

- Bamboo raft ride, it is especially activities for visitors who wants to touch the liquid smokes above the morning lake.
- Camping and viewpoint at the lake, the lake allows travelers stay overnight in the area. Watching the night sky in peaceful environments and a morning walk on the nice paths around the lake.

Places to visit

Mae Aw Chinese Village
Mae Aw lies near the Burmese Border. Thai name: Ban Rak Thai. This is a village founded by Kuomintang soldiers. Mae Aw is famous for its tea cultivation and Yunnan food, that you can enjoy at the restaurant and shops around a small square. You can buy ginseng, jasmine, oolong and green teas, as well as Chinese teapots and cups. And here background about the immigration of Muslim Chinese from Yunnan to Northern Thailand Muslim Chinese A festival is held in February to promote tea products. You follow hot tea tasting, tea-making demonstrations combined with cultural shows. Visitors can also ride a horse around the village.
Pang Ung Lake

Not far from Mae Aw lies Pang Ung, a few kilometers out of the village there is a lake, a water reservoir, surrounded by pines with a camping area. The lake is covered by fog in the early morning, until the sunshine comes. A road runs along the lake to a green hill.
When is the best time to visit

In Winter weather (Mid-October to Mid-February) is a suitable time to go there because the winter morning, all over Pang Ung will be misted; and the sun is out from the mountain edge, its golden beams break through the lingeringly floating mist on the water's surface of the reservoir and cover all everything to turn gold. Oh! It is really beautiful scenery. But the terrain of high mountains surrounding a large basin and fresh air with natural beauty are waiting the visitors for all seasons.

Sunday 16 December 2012

Blogs are a great marketing opportunity-To cheat?

Modern time, there are both reliable and fraudulent in the Internet Worldwide that you should be conscious and discreet when you service all of them. Blogs are one of the new spaces for whatever you want to do: advertising, daily life, recommend some tactics about beauty, and also a great marketing opportunity. But it’s not all of them that reveal sincere to the customer. It means something that you saw can be real or cheat.

Moreover, I have seen so many blogs use for spread marketing and find the new target group and increase percentage of sales. And it no need to pay a lot money to draw a new customer.
For example :

According to Abhinash Jena, he said “Internet marketing not only comprises of Internet, e-mail, and wireless media but also management of digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) systems. The creative and technical aspects of the Internet such as design, development, advertising, and sales are tired together by Internet marketing.”

Furthermore, According to Brin Morrissey, to get usable research from the inchoate blogosphere, Umbria has focused on identifying gender and age range of bloggers, parsing language and other clues in post to group them into demographic categories. Kaushansky said the company will push to identify bloggers by other characteristics, such as ethnicity. “As the blogosphere grows, it becomes that much more valuable and that much more representative of society as a whole.

As for me, Blogs are treasure area not only advertising, share your own opinion, marketing opportunity but also earn more money from your blogs (and be sure related to moral and ethics come from your heart). I believe that if you be sincere to customers, you will get the same feeling back to you.

Monday 10 December 2012

The Death of Television Advertising


Recently, I have got a new topic which I never thought of before “The death of television advertising.” As for me, it actually has used more the internet for whatever than ever before. But we’re also watching more television and we have used television for advertising for a long time ago. And then it’s adapting program on channel with that period.
Moreover, this time we have so many advance innovation or technologies to attract consumer. For example, Samsung TV unveiled smart TV: flat screen TV, touch screen that you can surf the internet from it.  

According to Time Warner, there was some interesting news about the increase in television advertising revenue. They said second-quarter advertising revenue was up 11%. New Corp said revenue was up 11% over the prior year, and local stations posted a whopping 29% increase over the prior year and related with IMS research is predicting digital cable TV subscribers in the US will increase by 7.8m between 2010 and 2015.
According to Neil Gaydon, Chief Executive of pay TV technology developer Pace, he said “They manufacture set-top boxes and other technology for some of the world’s biggest cable and satellite operators.” And the average American watches 153 hours of television at home per month.

Therefore, it is the information from the experts to make sure for about television advertising in the future. In my opinion, today there are creative some television adverting that can make people keep an eye on the advertisement. Especially, I like to watch advertising or whatever from television because it makes me feel warm when I sat in front of television with all of my family and share the idea about the program or laughing together. Oh, that my happy time with television so it deathless.