Wednesday, 26 December 2012

#4: Common Mistakes in Customer Service

Near the end of year 2012. And some family uses this time to go back to your hometown, or pack the bag to travel for a long weekend. There are must happen common mistakes in customer service wherever you go around the world. As for me, perhaps that is the easy way you will lose your customers even you have tried to give a service better but nothing is perfect, isn’t it? 

In my viewpoint, there are two things that I want to discuss. First, “Not clear information” is always happening to me when I use the service. They didn’t tell the specific detail such as any food that they prepare in the room some for free but not all of it. And it didn’t have paper or anything else to explain to your customer. Finally, I’m must expend more money than usual, and it’s certainly I can’t reject it because I have eaten already.

Therefore, everything always has a solution to improve it. Just post a notice for that specific detail. In my opinion, even it’s just a little thing but these can present to sincere and honest working. You should be aware of customer’s feeling which they can decide to continue to use your service or not.

Second, “Not thoughtful”, no matter what you work, should be careful because that means the problem will follow you as well. Working with consciousness can save your time; you mustn’t come back to solve your work again. Especially, the customer will satisfy service. Easiest way to improve it is check your works again before the customer gets it, don’t think about the other when you worked.

All of these are my opinion that had ever happened to me with common mistakes in customer service. And it often makes the same mistakes over and over again. The way to make customer satisfy that is avoid of those things I told you before. Well, how about you? Have you ever gotten common mistakes in customer service? Share with me. ^^

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